Source code for sphinxfortran.fortran_autodoc

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Sphinx extension for autodocumenting fortran codes.

# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
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from sphinx.directives import Directive
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import unchanged
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.statemachine import string2lines
from sphinx.util.console import bold
from glob import glob
from numpy.f2py.crackfortran import crackfortran, fortrantypes
import re, os, sys
from fortran_domain import FortranDomain

# Fortran parser and formatter
# ----------------------------

[docs]class F90toRstException(Exception): pass
[docs]class F90toRst(object): '''Fortran 90 parser and restructeredtext formatter :Parameters: - **ffiles**: Fortran files (glob expression allowed) or dir (or list of) :Options: - **ic**: Indentation char. - **ulc**: Underline char for titles. - **sst**: Subsection type. - **vl**: Verbose level (0=quiet). ''' _re_unended_match = re.compile(r'(.*)&\s*',re.I).match _re_unstarted_match = re.compile(r'\s*&(.*)',re.I).match _re_comment_match = re.compile(r'\s*!(.*)',re.I).match _re_space_prefix_match = re.compile(r'^(\s*).*$',re.I).match # _re_sub_numvardesc_match = re.compile(r'\$(\d+)',re.I).match # _re_vardesc_match = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<varname>\w+)[\s,&]*!\s*(?P<vardesc>.+)',re.I).match # _re_type_var_findall = re.compile(r'(\w+)',re.I).match _fmt_vardesc = ':%(role)s %(vtype)s %(vname)s%(vdim)s%(vattr)s: %(vdesc)s' #_fmt_vardesc = '**%(vname)s** %(vdim)s :: %(vtype)s %(vattr)s: %(vdesc)s' _fmt_vattr = " [%(vattr)s]" _fmt_fvardesc = '%(vtype)s%(vdim)s %(vattr)s%(vdesc)s' #_fmt_fvardim = ', **dim%(vdim)s**' # _re_call_subr_search = re.compile(r'\bcall\s+(\w+)\(',re.I).search # _re_call_func_findall = re.compile(r'\b(\w+)\(',re.I).search def __init__(self, ffiles, ic='\t', ulc='-', vl=0, encoding='utf8', sst='rubric'): # Be sure to have a list if not isinstance(ffiles, list): ffiles = [ffiles] # Read and store them self.src = {} self.ffiles = ffiles for ff in ffiles: f = open(ff) self.src[ff] = [] for l in f.readlines(): try: self.src[ff].append(l[:-1].decode(encoding) ) except: raise F90toRstException('Encoding error\n file = %s\n line = %s'%(ff,l)) #self.src[ff] = [l.decode(encoding) for l in f.readlines()] #self.src[ff] = [l.decode(encoding) for l in'\n')] f.close() # Crack files global verbose, quiet import numpy.f2py.crackfortran self._verbose = numpy.f2py.crackfortran.verbose = verbose = vl numpy.f2py.crackfortran.quiet = quiet = 1-verbose self.crack = crackfortran(ffiles) # Build index self.build_index() # Scan all files to get description, etc self.scan() # Add function 'call from' to index self.build_callfrom_index() # Other inits self.rst = {} self._ic = ic self._ulc = ulc self._sst = sst # Indexing ---
[docs] def build_index(self): """Register modules, functions, types and module variables for quick access Index constituents are: .. attribute:: modules Dictionary where each key is a module name, and each value is the cracked block. .. attribute:: routines Module specific functions and subroutines .. attribute:: types Module specific types .. attribute:: variables Module specific variables """ # Containers self.modules = {} self.types = {} self.routines = self.functions = self.subroutines = {} self.variables = {} self.programs = {} # Loop on all blocks and subblocks for block in self.crack: # Modules if block['block']=='module': # Index module module = block['name'] self.modules[module] = block # Loop inside module for subblock in block['body']: # Types and routines as subblock if subblock['block'] in ['function', 'type', 'subroutine']: # Index container = getattr(self, subblock['block']+'s') container[subblock['name']] = subblock subblock['module'] = module # Variables for varname, bvar in subblock['vars'].items(): bvar['name'] = varname # Function aliases from "use only" (rescan) for bfunc in self.routines.values(): bfunc['aliases'] = [] for subblock in block['body']: if not subblock['block'] == 'use': continue for monly in block['use'].values(): if not monly: continue for fname, falias in monly['map'].items(): self.routines[falias] = self.routines[fname] if falias not in self.routines[fname]['aliases']: self.routines[fname]['aliases'].append(falias) # Module variables for varname, bvar in block['vars'].items(): if not varname in self.routines: self.variables[varname] = bvar #self.variables.pop(varname) bvar['name'] = varname bvar['module'] = module # Local functions, subroutines and programs elif block['block'] in ['function', 'subroutine', 'program']: # Index container = getattr(self, block['block']+'s') container[block['name']] = block # Variables for varname, bvar in block['vars'].items(): bvar['name'] = varname # Regular expression for fast search # - function calls subs = [block['name'].lower() for block in self.routines.values() if block['block']=='subroutine'] self._re_callsub_findall = subs and \ re.compile(r'call\s+(%s)\b'%('|'.join(subs)), re.I).findall or (lambda line: []) funcs = [block['name'].lower() for block in self.routines.values() if block['block']=='function'] self._re_callfunc_findall = funcs and \ re.compile(r'\b(%s)\s*\('%('|'.join(funcs)), re.I).findall or (lambda line: []) # - function variables for block in self.routines.values(): vars = (r'|\b').join(block['sortvars']) + r'|\$(?P<varnum>\d+)' sreg = r'[\w\*\-:]*(?:@param\w*)?(?P<varname>\b%s\b)\W+(?P<vardesc>.*)'%vars block['vardescmatch'] = re.compile(sreg).match # - variables with description # for block in self.types.values()+self.modules.values(): for block in self.types.values()+self.modules.values()+self.routines.values(): #sreg = r'\b(?P<varname>%s)\b[\W\d]*!\s*(?P<vardesc>.*)'%'|'.join(block['sortvars']) sreg = r'[\W\(\),\b\*=\-\&]*?:?:[ \t\&]*(?P<varname>%s)\b[\w\s\(\)\*,_=]*!\s*(?P<vardesc>.*)'%'|'.join(block['sortvars']) if block['sortvars']: block['vardescsearch'] = re.compile(sreg, re.I).search else: block['vardescsearch'] = lambda x: None
[docs] def build_callfrom_index(self): """For each function, index which function call it""" for bfunc in self.routines.values(): bfunc['callfrom'] = [] for bfuncall in self.routines.values()+self.programs.values(): if bfunc['name'] in bfuncall['callto']: bfunc['callfrom'].append(bfuncall['name'])
[docs] def filter_by_srcfile(self, sfile, mode=None, objtype=None, **kwargs): """Search for subblocks according to origin file :Params: - **sfile**: Source file name. - **mode**, optional: Mode for searching for sfile. If ``"strict"``, exact match is needed, else only basename. - **objtype**, optional: Restrict search to one or a list of object types (i.e. ``"function"``, ``"program"``, etc). """ if mode is None: mode = 'basename' if objtype and not isinstance(objtype, list): objtype = [objtype] bb = [] if mode!='strict': sfile = os.path.basename(sfile) for b in self.crack: if objtype and objtype != 'all' and b['block'] not in objtype: continue bfile = b['from'].split(':')[0] # remove module name if mode!='strict': bfile = os.path.basename(bfile) if sfile==bfile: bb.append(b) return bb
[docs] def scan(self): """Scan """ # Loop on all blocks for block in self.crack: # Modules if block['block']=='module': # Get source lines modsrc = self.get_blocksrc(block) # Get module description block['desc'] = self.get_comment(modsrc, aslist=True) # Scan types and routines for subblock in block['body']: self.scan_container(subblock, insrc=modsrc) # Scan module variables self.strip_blocksrc(block, ['type', 'function', 'subroutine'], src=modsrc) if modsrc: for line in modsrc: if line.strip().startswith('!'): continue m = block['vardescsearch'](line) if m: block['vars']['varname').lower()]['desc'] ='vardesc') for bvar in block['vars'].values(): bvar.setdefault('desc', '') # Routines elif block['block'] in ['function', 'subroutine', 'program']: self.scan_container(block)
[docs] def scan_container(self, block, insrc=None): """Scan a block of program, routines or type""" # Check block type if block['block'] not in ['type', 'function', 'subroutine', 'program']: return # Source lines subsrc = self.get_blocksrc(block, insrc) # Comment block['desc'] = self.get_comment(subsrc, aslist=True) # Callable objects if block['block'] in ['function', 'subroutine', 'program']: # With signature : description of variables in comment if block['block'] in ['function', 'subroutine']: varname = None for iline, line in enumerate(block['desc']): if 'vardescmatch' in block: m = block['vardescmatch'](line) if m: # There is a variable and its description # Name of variable varname ='varname') # Numeric name if'varnum'): # $[1-9]+ ivar = int('varnum')) ivar = ivar-1 if ivar<0 or ivar>=len(block['args']): continue block['desc'][iline] = line.replace(varname, block['args'][ivar]) varname = block['args'][ivar] # Store description ifirst = len(line)-len(line.strip()) if varname != '': block['vars'][varname]['desc'] ='vardesc') elif line.strip() and varname is not None and \ (len(line)-len(line.strip()))>ifirst: # Description continuation? block['vars'][varname]['desc'].append(' '+line.strip()) else: varname = None # Index calls block['callto'] = [] if subsrc is not None: self.join_src(subsrc) for line in subsrc[1:-1]: if line.strip().startswith('!'): continue line = line.lower() for fn in self._re_callsub_findall(line)+self._re_callfunc_findall(line): if fn not in block['callto']: block['callto'].append(fn) pass # Get description of variables (overwrite for functions and subroutines) if block['block'] in ['function', 'subroutine'] and subsrc is not None: for line in subsrc: if line.strip().startswith('!'): continue if 'vardescsearch' in block: m = block['vardescsearch'](line) if m: block['vars']['varname').lower()]['desc'] ='vardesc') # Fill empty descriptions for bvar in block['vars'].values(): bvar.setdefault('desc', '') del subsrc # Getting info ---
[docs] def get_module(self, block): """Get the name of the current module""" while block['block']!='module': if block['parentblock']=='unknown': break block = block['parentblock'] return block['name']
[docs] def get_src(self, block): """Get the source lines of the file including this block""" srcfile = block['from'].split(':')[0] return self.src[srcfile]
[docs] def join_src(self, src): """Join unended lines that does not finish with a comment""" for iline, line in enumerate(src): m = self._re_unended_match(line) if m: thisline = m = self._re_unstarted_match(src[iline+1]) nextline = if m else src[iline+1] src[iline] = thisline+nextline del src[iline+1] return src
[docs] def get_blocksrc(self, block, src=None, istart=0, getidx=False, stopmatch=None, exclude=None): """Extract an identified block of source code :Parameters: - *block*: Cracked block :Options: - *src*: List of source line including the block - *istart*: Start searching from this line number :Return: ``None`` or a list of lines """ # Set up if src is None: src = self.get_src(block) blocktype = block['block'].lower() blockname = block['name'].lower() ftypes = '(?:(?:%s).*\s+)?'%fortrantypes if blocktype=='function' else '' rstart = re.compile(r"^\s*%s%s\s+%s\b.*$"%(ftypes, blocktype, blockname), re.I).match rend = re.compile(r"^\s*end\s+%s\b.*$"%blocktype, re.I).match if isinstance(stopmatch, str): stopmatch = re.compile(stopmatch).match # Beginning for ifirst in xrange(istart, len(src)): # Simple stop on match if stopmatch and stopmatch(src[ifirst]): return # Ok, now check if rstart(src[ifirst]): break else: return # End for ilast in xrange(ifirst, len(src)): if stopmatch and stopmatch(src[ilast]): break if rend(src[ilast].lower()): break # Extraction mysrc = list(src[ifirst:ilast+1]) # Block exclusions self.strip_blocksrc(block, exclude, src=mysrc) if getidx: return mysrc, (ifirst, ilast) return mysrc
[docs] def strip_blocksrc(self, block, exc, src=None): """Strip blocks from source lines :Parameters: - *block*: - *exc* list of block type to remove :Options: - *src*: list of source lines :Example: >>> obj.strip_blocksrc(lines, 'type') >>> obj.strip_blocksrc(lines, ['function', 'type'] """ if src is None: self.get_blocksrc(block) if exc is None: return if not isinstance(exc, list): exc = [exc] for subblock in block['body']: if subblock['block'] in exc: subsrc = self.get_blocksrc(subblock, src=src, getidx=True) if subsrc is None: continue # Already stripped del src[subsrc[1][0]:subsrc[1][1]] del subsrc
[docs] def get_comment(self, src, iline=1, aslist=False, stripped=False, getilast=False, rightafter=True): """Search for and return the comment starting after ``iline`` in ``src`` :Params: - **src**: A list of lines. - **iline**, optional: Index of first line to read. - **aslist**, optional: Return the comment as a list. - **stripped**, optional: Strip each line of comment. - **getilast**, optional: Get also index of last line of comment. - **rightafter**, optional: Suppose the comment right after the signature line. If True, it prevents from reading a comment that is not a description of the routine. :Return: - ``scomment``: string or list - OR ``scomment,ilast``: if ``getilast is True`` """ scomment = [] in_a_breaked_line = False if src is not None: for iline in xrange(iline, len(src)): line = src[iline].strip() # Breaked line if line.startswith('&'): continue # Manage no comment line m = self._re_comment_match(line) if m is None: if not scomment: # Not the end of signature if line.endswith('&'): in_a_breaked_line = True continue if in_a_breaked_line: in_a_breaked_line = False continue # Empty line but we continue searching if not rightafter and not line: continue # Stop searching break # Get comment part comment = # Strip? if stripped: comment = comment.strip() # Load and remove space prefix if not scomment: prefix = self._re_space_prefix_match(comment).group(1) if comment.startswith(prefix): comment = comment[len(prefix):] # Save comment scomment.append(comment) if not aslist: scomment = self.format_lines(scomment, nlc=' ') if getilast: return scomment, iline return scomment
[docs] def get_synopsis(self, block, nmax=2): """Get the first ``nmax`` non empty lines of the function, type or module comment as 1 line. If the header has more than ``nmax`` lines, the first one is taken and appended of '...'. If description if empty, it returns an empty string. """ sd = [] for line in block['desc']: line = line.strip() if not line: if not sd: continue break sd.append(line) if len(sd)>nmax: if sd[-1].endswith('.'): sd[-1] += '...' break if not sd: return '' sd = ' '.join(sd) return sd
[docs] def get_blocklist(self, choice, module): """Get the list of types, variables or function of a module""" choice = choice.lower() if not choice.endswith('s'): choice += 's' assert choice in ['types', 'variables', 'functions', 'subroutines'], "Wrong type of declaration" module = module.lower() assert module in self.modules.keys(), "Wrong module name" baselist = getattr(self, choice).values() return [v for v in baselist if 'module' in v and v['module'] == module.lower()] # Formating ---
[docs] def set_ulc(self, ulc): """Set the underline character for title inside module description""" self._ulc = ulc
[docs] def get_ulc(self): """Get the underline character for title inside module description""" return self._ulc
ulc = property(get_ulc, set_ulc, doc='Underline character for title inside module description')
[docs] def set_ic(self, ic): """Set the indentation character""" self._ic = ic
[docs] def get_ic(self): """Get the indentation character""" return self._ic
ic = property(get_ic, set_ic, doc='Indentation character')
[docs] def set_sst(self, sst): """Set the subsection type""" self._sst = sst
[docs] def get_sst(self): """Get the subsection type""" return self._sst
sst = property(get_sst, set_sst, doc='Subsection type ("title" or "rubric")')
[docs] def indent(self, n): """Get a proper indentation""" return n*self.ic
[docs] def format_lines(self, lines, indent=0, bullet=None, nlc='\n', strip=False): """Convert a list of lines to text""" if not lines: return '' # Bullet if bullet is True: bullet='-' bullet = (str(bullet)+' ') if bullet else '' # Get current indentation for reduction if isinstance(lines, basestring): lines = [lines] # Split lines tmp = [] for line in lines: if not line: tmp.append(line) else: tmp.extend(line.splitlines()) lines = tmp ; del tmp # Expand tabs lines = [line.expandtabs(4) for line in lines] # Strip if strip: tmp = [] for line in lines: if not tmp and not line: continue tmp.append(line) lines = tmp ; del tmp if not lines: return '' # Column of first non space car goodlines = [(len(line)-len(line.lstrip())) for line in lines if line.expandtabs().strip()] firstchar = goodlines and min(goodlines) or 0 ; del goodlines # Redent mylines = [self.indent(indent)+bullet+line[firstchar:] for line in lines] # Create text block text = nlc.join(mylines)+nlc del mylines return text
[docs] def format_title(self, text, ulc=None, indent=0): """Create a simple rst titlec with indentation :Parameters: - *text*: text of the title :Options: - *ulc*: underline character (default to attribute :attr:`ucl`) :Example: >>> print o.format_title('My title', '-') My title -------- """ if ulc is None: ulc = self.ulc return self.format_lines([text, ulc*len(text)], indent=indent)+'\n'
[docs] def format_rubric(self, text, indent=0): """Create a simple rst rubric with indentation :Parameters: - *text*: text of the rubric :Example: >>> print o.format_rubric('My title', '-') .. rubric:: My rubric """ return self.format_lines('.. rubric:: '+text, indent=indent)+'\n'
[docs] def format_subsection(self, text, indent=indent, **kwargs): """Format a subsection for describing list of subroutines, types, etc""" if self.sst=='title': return self.format_title(text, indent=indent, **kwargs) return self.format_rubric(text, indent=indent, **kwargs)
[docs] def format_declaration(self, dectype, name, description=None, indent=0, bullet=None, options=None): """Create an simple rst declaration :Example: >>> print format_declaration('var', 'myvar', 'my description', indent=1, bullet='-') - .. f:var:: myvar my description """ declaration = self.format_lines('.. f:%(dectype)s:: %(name)s'%locals(), bullet=bullet, indent=indent) if options: declaration += self.format_options(options, indent=indent+1) declaration += '\n' if description: declaration += self.format_lines(description, indent=indent+1) return declaration+'\n'
[docs] def format_options(self, options, indent=0): """Format directive options""" options = [':%s: %s'%option for option in options.items() if option[1] is not None] return self.format_lines(options, indent=indent)
[docs] def format_funcref(self, fname, current_module=None, aliasof=None, module=None): """Format the reference link to a module function Formatting may vary depending on if function is local and is an alias. :Example: >>> print obj.format_type('myfunc') :f:func:`~mymodule.myfunc` """ # Alias? fname = fname.lower() if aliasof is not None: falias = fname fname = aliasof if fname in self.routines and fname in self.routines[fname].get('aliases', []): falias = fname fname = self.routines[fname]['name'] else: falias = None # Local reference ? if module is None and fname in self.routines: module = self.routines[fname].get('module') if module is None or (current_module is not None and module==current_module): if falias: return ':f:func:`%(falias)s<%(fname)s>`'%locals() return ':f:func:`%(fname)s`'%locals() # Remote reference from fortran_domain import f_sep if falias: ':f:func:`%(falias)s<~%(module)s%(f_sep)s%(fname)s>`'%locals() return ':f:func:`~%(module)s%(f_sep)s%(fname)s`'%locals()
[docs] def format_use(self, block, indent=0, short=False): """Format use statement :Parameters: - *block*: a module block """ # TODO: format aliases bug use = '' if 'use' in block: if short: use = ':use: ' else: use = self.format_subsection('Needed modules', indent=indent) lines = [] for mname, monly in block['use'].items(): # Reference to the module line = (self.indent(indent) if not short else '')+':f:mod:`%s`'%mname # Reference to the routines if monly: funcs = [] for fname, falias in monly['map'].items(): func = self.format_funcref(fname, module=mname) if fname!=falias: falias = self.format_funcref(falias, module=mname, aliasof=fname) func = '%s => %s' % (falias, func) funcs.append(func) line += ' (%s)'% ', '.join(funcs) # Short description if mname in self.modules and not short: sdesc = self.get_synopsis(self.modules[mname]) if sdesc: line += ': '+sdesc # Append lines.append(line) if short: use += ', '.join(lines) use = self.format_lines(use,indent) else: use += self.format_lines(lines, indent, bullet='-') + '\n' del lines return use #def format_arithm(self, expr): #"""Format an arithmetic expression""" #ops = re.findall(r'(\W+)',expr) #nums = re.split(r'\W+', expr) #if expr.startswith(ops[0]): #nums = ['']+nums #if len(nums)!=len(ops): ops.append('') #newexpr = '' #for num, op in zip(nums, ops): #if num.isalpha(): #num = ' :f:var:`%s` '%num #if '*' in op: #op = op.replace('*', '\*') #newexpr += num+op #return newexpr
[docs] def format_argdim(self, block): """Format the dimension of a variable :Parameters: - *block*: a variable block """ if 'dimension' in block: return'(%s)'%(','.join([s.strip('()') for s in block['dimension']])) #return'(%s)'%(','.join([s.replace(':','\:').strip('()') for s in block['dimension']])) return ''
[docs] def format_argattr(self, block): """Filter and format the attributes (optional, in/out/inout, etc) of a variable :Parameters: - *block*: a variable block """ vattr = [] if 'intent' in block and block['intent']: vattr.append('/'.join(block['intent'])) if 'attrspec' in block and block['attrspec']: newattrs = [] for attr in block['attrspec']: if '=' in block: if attr=='optional': continue elif attr=='parameter': attr += '='+block['='] #attr += '='+self.format_arithm(block['=']) if attr in []: attr = attr.upper() newattrs.append(attr) if 'private' in newattrs and 'public' in newattrs: newattrs.remove('private') block['attrspec'] = newattrs vattr.append('/'.join(block['attrspec'])) if not vattr: return '' vattr = ','.join(vattr) return self._fmt_vattr%locals() if vattr else ''
[docs] def format_argtype(self, block): if not 'typespec' in block: return '' vtype = block['typespec'] if vtype=='type': vtype = block['typename'] return vtype
[docs] def format_argfield(self, blockvar, role=None, block=None): """Format the description of a variable :Parameters: - *block*: a variable block """ vname = blockvar['name'] vtype = self.format_argtype(blockvar)#['typespec'] #if vtype=='type': vtype = block['typename'] vdim = self.format_argdim(blockvar) if ':' in vdim: vdim = vdim.replace(':','*') vattr = self.format_argattr(blockvar) vdesc = blockvar['desc'] if 'desc' in blockvar else '' optional = 'attrspec' in blockvar and 'optional' in blockvar['attrspec'] if not role: if block and vname in [block['name'], block.get('result')]: role = 'r' else: role = 'o' if optional else 'p' return self._fmt_vardesc%locals()
[docs] def format_type(self, block, indent=0, bullet=True): """Format the description of a module type :Parameters: - *block*: block of the type """ # Declaration and description declaration = self.format_declaration('type', block['name'], block['desc'], indent=indent, bullet=bullet)+'\n' # Variables vlines = [] for bvar in block['vars'].values(): vlines.append(self.format_argfield(bvar, role='f')) variables = self.format_lines(vlines, indent=indent+1)+'\n' del vlines return declaration+variables
[docs] def get_varopts(self, block): """Get options for variable declaration as a dict""" options = {} vdim = self.format_argdim(block) #if vdim!='': vdim = self._fmt_fvardim%locals() if vdim: options['shape'] = vdim options['type'] = self.format_argtype(block) vattr = self.format_argattr(block).strip(' []') if vattr: options['attrs'] = vattr return options #def format_vardesc(self, block): #"""Format the specification of a variable at top of its declaration content""" #specs = self.format_varspecs(block) #vdesc = block.get('desc', '') #return specs+'\n'+vdesc+'\n'
[docs] def format_var(self, block, indent=0, bullet=True): """Format the description of a module type :Parameters: - *block*: block of the variable """ # Description of the variable options = self.get_varopts(block) description = block.get('desc', None) if 'name' in block: declaration = self.format_declaration('variable', block['name'], description=description, options=options, indent=indent, bullet=bullet) else: declaration = '' ## Description of the sub-variables #if block['typespec']=='type': #xxxx #variables = [] #btype = self.types[block['typename']] #for bvar in btype['vars'].values(): #vname = '%s%%%s'%(block['name'], bvar['name']) #desc = self.format_vardesc(bvar, indent=0, vname=vname) #variables.append(self.format_declaration('var', vname, desc, indent=indent+1, bullet=True)[:-1]) #variables = '\n'.join(variables) #else: #variables = '' return declaration#+variables
[docs] def format_signature(self, block): signature = '' nopt = 0 for i, var in enumerate(block['args']): optional = 'optional' in block['vars'][var]['attrspec'] and '=' not in block['vars'][var] \ if 'attrspec' in block['vars'][var] else False signature += '[' if optional else '' signature += ', ' if i else '' if optional: nopt +=1 signature += var signature += nopt*']' return signature
[docs] def format_routine(self, block, indent=0): """Format the description of a function, a subroutine or a program""" # Declaration of a subroutine or function if isinstance(block, basestring): if block not in self.programs.keys()+self.routines.keys(): raise F90toRstException('Unknown function, subroutine or program: %s'%block) if block in self.programs: block = self.programs[block] else: block = self.routines[block] elif block['name'] not in self.modules.keys()+self.routines.keys()+self.programs.keys(): raise F90toRstException('Unknown %s: %s'%(block['block'], block['name'])) name = block['name'] blocktype = block['block'] signature = '(%s)'%self.format_signature(block) if blocktype!='program' else '' declaration = self.format_declaration(blocktype, '%(name)s%(signature)s'%locals(), indent=indent) #declaration = self.indent(indent)+'.. f:%(blocktype)s:: %(name)s%(signature)s\n\n'%locals() # Treat variables in comment (subroutines and functions only) comments = list(block['desc'])+[''] if blocktype!='program' : found = [] for iline in xrange(len(comments)): if 'vardescmatch' in block: m = block['vardescmatch'](comments[iline]) if m: varname ='varname') found.append(varname) if varname != '': comments[iline] = self.format_argfield(block['vars'][varname], block=block) for varname in block['args']+block['sortvars']: if varname not in found: comments.append(self.format_argfield(block['vars'][varname], block=block)) found.append(varname) # Description description = self.format_lines(comments, indent+1) # Add use of modules use = self.format_use(block, indent=indent+1, short=True) # Add calls calls = [] module = block.get('module') # - call froms if blocktype in ['function', 'subroutine']: if 'callfrom' in block and block['callfrom']: callfrom = [] for fromname in block['callfrom']: if fromname in self.routines: cf = self.format_funcref(fromname, module) else: cf = ':f:prog:`%s`'%fromname callfrom.append(cf) #callfrom += ', '.join([self.format_funcref(getattr(self, routines[fn]['name'], module) for fn in block['callfrom']]) callfrom = ':from: ' + ', '.join(callfrom) calls.append(callfrom) # - call tos if block['callto']: callto = ', '.join([self.format_funcref(fn, module) for fn in block['callto']]) #callto = ', '.join([self.format_funcref(self.routines[fn]['name'], module) for fn in block['callto']]) if callto == '': callto = 'None' callto = ':to: '+callto calls.append(callto) calls = '\n'+self.format_lines(calls, indent=indent+1) return declaration+description+use+calls+'\n\n'
format_function = format_routine format_subroutine = format_routine
[docs] def format_quickaccess(self, module, indent=indent): """Format an abstract of all types, variables and routines of a module""" if not isinstance(module, basestring): module = module['name'] # Title title = self.format_subsection('Quick access', indent=indent)+'\n' # Types decs = [] tlist = self.get_blocklist('types', module) tlist.sort() if tlist: decs.append(':Types: '+', '.join([':f:type:`%s`'%tt['name'] for tt in tlist])) # Variables vlist = self.get_blocklist('variables', module) vlist.sort() if vlist: decs.append(':Variables: '+', '.join([':f:var:`%s`'%vv['name'] for vv in vlist])) # Functions and subroutines flist = self.get_blocklist('functions', module) flist.sort() if flist: decs.append(':Routines: '+', '.join([':f:func:`~%s/%s`'%(module, ff['name']) for ff in flist])) if decs: return self.format_lines(title+'\n'.join(decs))+'\n\n' return ''
[docs] def format_types(self, block, indent=0): """Format the description of all fortran types""" types = [] for subblock in block['body']: if subblock['block']=='type': types.append(self.format_type(subblock, indent=indent)) if types: types = self.format_subsection('Types', indent=indent)+'\n'.join(types) else: types = '' return types
[docs] def format_variables(self, block, indent=0): """Format the description of all variables (global or module)""" variables = '' if block['vars']: for bvar in block['vars'].values(): variables += self.format_var(bvar, indent=indent) variables = self.format_subsection('Variables', indent=indent)+variables+'\n\n' return variables
[docs] def format_description(self, block, indent=0): """Format the description of an object""" description = '' if block['desc']: description = self.format_subsection('Description', indent=indent) description += self.format_lines(block['desc'],indent=indent, strip=True)+'\n' return description
[docs] def format_routines(self, block, indent=0): """Format the list of all subroutines and functions""" routines = '' blocks = block if isinstance(block, list) else block['body'] fdecs = [] for subblock in blocks: #block['body']: if subblock['block'] in ['function', 'subroutine']: fdecs.append(self.format_routine(subblock, indent)) if fdecs: fdecs = '\n'.join(fdecs) routines = self.format_subsection('Subroutines and functions', indent=indent)+fdecs return routines
[docs] def format_module(self, block, indent=0): """Recursively format a module and its declarations""" # Declaration of the module if isinstance(block, basestring): if block not in self.modules: raise F90toRstException('Unknown module: %s'%block) block = self.modules[block] elif block['name'] not in self.modules: raise F90toRstException('Unknown module: %'%block['name']) modname = block['name'] declaration = self.format_declaration('module', modname, indent=indent, options=dict(synopsis = self.get_synopsis(block).strip() or None)) # Description description = self.format_description(block, indent=indent) # Quick access quickaccess = self.format_quickaccess(modname, indent=indent) # Use of other modules use = self.format_use(block, indent=indent) # Types types = self.format_types(block, indent=indent) # Variables variables = self.format_variables(block, indent=indent) # Subroutines and functions routines = self.format_routines(block, indent=indent) return declaration + description + quickaccess + use + types + variables + routines
[docs] def format_srcfile(self, srcfile, indent=0, objtype=None, search_mode='basename', **kwargs): """Format all declaration of a file, except modules""" rst = '' if objtype is not None and not isinstance(objtype, (list, tuple)): objtype = [objtype] # Programs if objtype is None or 'program' in objtype: bprog = self.filter_by_srcfile(srcfile, objtype='program', mode=search_mode) if bprog: rst += self.format_subsection('Program', indent=indent)+'\n' rst += self.format_routine(bprog[0], indent=indent)+'\n' # Modules if objtype is None or 'module' in objtype: bmod = self.filter_by_srcfile(srcfile, objtype='module', mode=search_mode) if bmod: rst += self.format_subsection('Module', indent=indent)+'\n' rst += self.format_module(bmod[0], indent=indent)+'\n' # Functions and subroutines oal = ['function', 'subroutine'] oo = [o for o in oal if o in objtype] if objtype is not None else oal if oo: brouts = self.filter_by_srcfile(srcfile, objtype=oo, mode=search_mode) rst += self.format_routines(brouts, indent=indent)+'\n' return rst
def __getitem__(self, module): return self.format_module(self.modules[module]) # Sphinx directive ---
[docs]def list_files(fortran_src, exts=['f', 'f90', 'f95'], absolute=True): """Get the list of fortran files""" # Extensions (suffixes) if not isinstance(exts, list): exts = list(exts) for e in exts: if e.lower() not in exts: exts.append(e.lower()) if e.upper() not in exts: exts.append(e.upper()) exts = list(set(exts)) # List the files using globs ffiles = [] for fg in fortran_src: if not isinstance(fg, basestring): continue if os.path.isdir(fg): for ext in exts: ffiles.extend(glob(os.path.join(fg,'*.'+ext))) else: ffiles.extend(glob(fg)) if absolute: ffiles = [os.path.abspath(ffile) for ffile in ffiles] ffiles.sort() return ffiles
[docs]def fortran_parse(app): env = app.builder.env if isinstance(app.config.fortran_src, (str, list)):'parsing fortran sources...'), nonl=True) # Sources a list if not isinstance(app.config.fortran_src, list): app.config.fortran_src = [app.config.fortran_src] # All files ffiles = list_files(app.config.fortran_src, app.config.fortran_ext) # Parse files if not ffiles:" no fortran files found") app.config._f90torst = None else: app.config.fortran_indent = fmt_indent(app.config.fortran_indent) app.config._f90torst = F90toRst(ffiles, ic=app.config.fortran_indent, ulc=app.config.fortran_title_underline, encoding=app.config.fortran_encoding)' done') app._status.flush() else: app.warn("wrong list of fortran 90 source specifications: "+str(app.config.fortran_src)) app.config._f90torst = None # app.config._f90files = []
[docs]def fmt_indent(string): if string is None: return if isinstance(string, int): string = ' '*string if string == 'tab': string = '\t' elif string == 'space': string = ' ' return string #class fortran_module(nodes.General, nodes.Element): #pass
[docs]class FortranAutoModuleDirective(Directive): has_content = True option_spec = dict(title_underline=unchanged, indent=fmt_indent, subsection_type=unchanged) required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0
[docs] def run(self): # Get environment f90torst = self.state.document.settings.env.config._f90torst if f90torst is None: return [] # Check module name module = self.arguments[0] if module not in f90torst.modules: # print dir(self) print 'Wrong fortran module name: '+module self.state_machine.reporter.warning('Wrong fortran module name: '+module, line=self.lineno) # self.warn('Wrong fortran module name: '+module) # Options ic = f90torst.ic ulc = f90torst.ulc if self.options.get('indent'): f90torst.ic = self.options['indent'] if self.options.get('title_underline'): f90torst.ulc = self.options['title_underline'] if self.options.get('subsection_type'): f90torst.ulc = self.options['subsection_type'] # Get rst raw_text = f90torst.format_module(module) # Insert it source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source( self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1) include_lines = string2lines(raw_text, convert_whitespace=1) self.state_machine.insert_input(include_lines,source) # Restore defaults if 'indent' in self.options: f90torst.ic = ic if 'title_underline' in self.options: f90torst.ulc = ulc if 'subsection_type' in self.options: f90torst.sst = sst return []
[docs]class FortranAutoObjectDirective(Directive): """Generic directive for fortran object auto-documentation Redefine :attr:`_warning` and :attr:`_objtype` attribute when subcassling. .. attribute:: _warning Warning message when object is not found, like: >>> _warning = 'Wrong function or subroutine name: %s' .. attribute:: _objtype Type of fortran object. If "toto" is set as object type, then :class:`F90toRst` must have attribute :attr:`totos` containg index of all related fortran objects, and method :meth:`format_totos` for formatting the object. """ has_content = False option_spec = {} required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 _warning = 'Wrong routine name: %s' _objtype = 'routine'
[docs] def run(self): # Get environment f90torst = self.state.document.settings.env.config._f90torst if f90torst is None: return [] # Check object name objname = self.arguments[0].lower() from fortran_domain import f_sep if f_sep in objname: objname = objname.split(f_sep)[-1] # remove module name objects = getattr(f90torst, self._objtype+'s') if objname not in objects: print self._warning%objname self.state_machine.reporter.warning(self._warning%objname, line=self.lineno) # self.warn(self._warning%objname) # Get rst raw_text = getattr(f90torst, 'format_'+self._objtype)(objname) # Check if inside module b = objects[objname] if 'parent_block' in b: curmod_text = '.. f:currentmodule:: %s\n\n'%b['parent_block']['name'] raw_text = curmod_text+raw_text # Insert it source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source( self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1) include_lines = string2lines(raw_text, convert_whitespace=1) self.state_machine.insert_input(include_lines,source) return []
[docs]class FortranAutoFunctionDirective(FortranAutoObjectDirective): _warning = 'Wrong function name: %s' _objtype = 'function'
[docs]class FortranAutoSubroutineDirective(FortranAutoObjectDirective): _warning = 'Wrong subroutine name: %s' _objtype = 'subroutine'
[docs]class FortranAutoTypeDirective(FortranAutoObjectDirective): _warning = 'Wrong type name: %s' _objtype = 'type'
[docs]class FortranAutoVariableDirective(FortranAutoObjectDirective): _warning = 'Wrong variable name: %s' _objtype = 'variable'
[docs]class FortranAutoProgramDirective(Directive): has_content = False option_spec = {} required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0
[docs] def run(self): print 'test1' self.state_machine.reporter.warning('test2', line=self.lineno) # Get environment f90torst = self.state.document.settings.env.config._f90torst if f90torst is None: return [] # Check routine name program = self.arguments[0].lower() if program not in f90torst.programs: print 'Wrong program name: '+program self.state_machine.reporter.warning('Wrong program name: '+program, line=self.lineno) # self.warning('Wrong program name: '+program) # Get rst raw_text = f90torst.format_routine(program) # Insert it source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source( self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1) include_lines = string2lines(raw_text, convert_whitespace=1) self.state_machine.insert_input(include_lines,source) return []
[docs]class FortranAutoSrcfileDirective(Directive): has_content = False option_spec = dict(search_mode=unchanged, objtype=unchanged) required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0
[docs] def run(self): # Get environment f90torst = self.state.document.settings.env.config._f90torst if f90torst is None: return [] # Options search_mode = self.options.get('search_mode') objtype = self.options.get('objtype') if objtype: objtype = objtype.split(' ,') # Get rst srcfile = self.arguments[0].lower() raw_text = f90torst.format_srcfile(srcfile, search_mode=search_mode, objtype=objtype) if not raw_text: msg = 'No valid content found for file: '+srcfile print msg self.state_machine.reporter.warning(msg, line=self.lineno) # self.warning('No valid content found for file: '+srcfile) # Insert it source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source( self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1) include_lines = string2lines(raw_text, convert_whitespace=1) self.state_machine.insert_input(include_lines,source) return []
[docs]def setup(app): app.add_description_unit('ftype', 'ftype', indextemplate='pair: %s; Fortran type', ) app.add_description_unit('fvar', 'fvar', indextemplate='pair: %s; Fortran variable', ) app.add_config_value('fortran_title_underline', '-', False) app.add_config_value('fortran_indent', 4, False) app.add_config_value('fortran_subsection_type', 'rubric', False) app.add_config_value('fortran_src', '.', False) app.add_config_value('fortran_ext', ['f90', 'f95'], False) app.add_config_value('fortran_encoding', 'utf8', False) #app.add_directive('fortran_module', IncludeFortranDirective) FortranDomain.directives.update( automodule=FortranAutoModuleDirective, autoroutine=FortranAutoObjectDirective, autofunction=FortranAutoFunctionDirective, autosubroutine=FortranAutoSubroutineDirective, autoprogram=FortranAutoProgramDirective, autosrcfile=FortranAutoSrcfileDirective, ) app.connect('builder-inited', fortran_parse)