Source code for sphinxfortran.fortran_domain

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A fortran domain for sphinx

# Copyright or © or Copr. Actimar/IFREMER (2010-2015)
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
# utilities for handling oceanographic and atmospheric data,
# with the ultimate goal of validating the MARS model from IFREMER.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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import re

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives

from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
from sphinx.locale import l_, _
from import Domain, ObjType, Index
from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription
from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode
from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
from sphinx.util.docfields import Field, GroupedField, TypedField, DocFieldTransformer, _is_single_paragraph

# FIXME: surlignage en jaune de la recherche inactive si "/" dans target

# Utilities

[docs]def convert_arithm(node, expr, modname=None, nodefmt=nodes.Text): """Format an arithmetic expression for a node""" ops = re.findall(r'(\W+)',expr) nums = re.split(r'\W+', expr) if len(nums)!=len(ops): ops.append('') for num, op in zip(nums, ops): if num: if num[0].isalpha(): refnode = addnodes.pending_xref( '', refdomain='f', reftype='var', reftarget=num, modname=modname) refnode += nodefmt(num, num) node += refnode else: node += nodefmt(num, num) if op: op = op.replace(':', '*') node += nodefmt(op, op)
[docs]def parse_shape(shape): if not shape: return if not shape.startswith('('): shape = '('+shape if not shape.endswith(')'): shape += ')' return shape
[docs]def add_shape(node, shape, modname=None, nodefmt=nodes.Text): """Format a shape expression for a node""" dims = re.split('\s*,\s*', shape.strip('( )')) node += nodefmt(' (',' (') convert_arithm(node, shape.strip('( )'), modname=modname, nodefmt=nodefmt) node += nodefmt(')',')') #class fortranfield(nodes.Admonition, nodes.TextElement): pass # Doc fields
re_name_shape = re.compile('(\w+)(\(.+\))?') re_fieldname_match = re.compile(r'(?P<type>\b\w+\b)?\s*(?P<name>\b\w+\b)\s*(?P<shape>\(.*\))?\s*(?P<sattrs>\[.+\])?').match class FortranField(Field): def make_xref(self, rolename, domain, target, innernode=nodes.emphasis, modname=None, typename=None): if not rolename: return innernode(target, target) refnode = addnodes.pending_xref('', refdomain=domain, refexplicit=False, reftype=rolename, reftarget=target, modname=modname, typename=typename) refnode += innernode(target, target) return refnode
[docs]class FortranCallField(FortranField): is_grouped = True def __init__(self, name, names=(), label=None, rolename=None): Field.__init__(self, name, names, label, True, rolename)
[docs] def make_field(self, types, domain, items, **kwargs): fieldname = nodes.field_name('', self.label) #par = Field.make_field(self, types, domain, items[0]) par = nodes.paragraph() for i,item in enumerate(items): if i: par += nodes.Text(' ') par += item[1]#Field.make_field(self, types, domain, item) fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', par) return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
[docs]class FortranCompleteField(FortranField, GroupedField): """ A doc field that is grouped and has type information for the arguments. It always has an argument. The argument can be linked using the given *rolename*, the type using the given *typerolename*. Two uses are possible: either parameter and type description are given separately, using a field from *names* and one from *typenames*, respectively, or both are given using a field from *names*, see the example. Example:: :param foo: description of parameter foo :type foo: SomeClass -- or -- :param SomeClass foo: description of parameter foo """ is_typed = 2 def __init__(self, name, names=(), typenames=(), label=None, rolename=None, typerolename=None, shapenames=None, attrnames=None, prefix=None, strong=True, can_collapse=False): GroupedField.__init__(self, name, names, label, rolename, can_collapse) self.typenames = typenames self.typerolename = typerolename self.shapenames = shapenames self.attrnames = attrnames self.prefix = prefix if strong: self.namefmt = nodes.strong else: self.namefmt = addnodes.desc_name
[docs] def make_field(self, types, domain, items, shapes=None, attrs=None, modname=None, typename=None): def handle_item(fieldarg, content): par = nodes.paragraph() if self.prefix: par += self.namefmt(self.prefix, self.prefix) par += self.make_xref(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg, self.namefmt, modname=modname, typename=typename) #par += self.namefmt(fieldarg, fieldarg) fieldtype = types.pop(fieldarg, None) fieldshape = shapes and shapes.pop(fieldarg, None) fieldattrs = attrs and attrs.pop(fieldarg, None) if fieldshape: shape = parse_shape(fieldshape[0].astext()) #par += nodes.Text(' %s'%shape) add_shape(par, shape, modname=modname) if fieldtype or fieldattrs: par += nodes.emphasis(' [',' [' ) if fieldtype: if len(fieldtype) == 1 and isinstance(fieldtype[0], nodes.Text): thistypename = fieldtype[0].astext() #typename = u''.join(n.astext() for n in fieldtype) par += self.make_xref(self.typerolename, domain, thistypename, modname=modname, typename=typename) else: par += fieldtype if fieldattrs: if fieldtype: par += nodes.emphasis(',',',') par += fieldattrs if fieldtype or fieldattrs: par += nodes.emphasis(']',']') if content: par += nodes.Text(' :: ') par += content return par if len(items) == 1 and self.can_collapse: fieldarg, content = items[0] bodynode = handle_item(fieldarg, content) else: bodynode = self.list_type() for fieldarg, content in items: bodynode += nodes.list_item('', handle_item(fieldarg, content)) label = self.label or '' fieldname = nodes.field_name('', label) fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', bodynode) return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
[docs]class FortranDocFieldTransformer(DocFieldTransformer): """ Transforms field lists in "doc field" syntax into better-looking equivalents, using the field type definitions given on a domain. """ def __init__(self, directive, modname=None, typename=None): self.domain = directive.domain if '_doc_field_type_map' not in directive.__class__.__dict__: directive.__class__._doc_field_type_map = \ self.preprocess_fieldtypes(directive.__class__.doc_field_types) self.typemap = directive._doc_field_type_map self.modname = modname self.typename = typename
[docs] def preprocess_fieldtypes(self, types): typemap = {} for fieldtype in types: for name in fieldtype.names: typemap[name] = fieldtype, False if fieldtype.is_typed: for name in fieldtype.typenames: typemap[name] = fieldtype, 'types' for name in fieldtype.shapenames: typemap[name] = fieldtype, 'shapes' for name in fieldtype.attrnames: typemap[name] = fieldtype, 'attrs' return typemap
[docs] def scan_fieldarg(self, fieldname): """Extract type, name, shape and attributes from a field name. :Some possible syntaxes: - ``p name`` - ``p type name(shape) [attr1,attr2]`` - ``p type name`` - ``p name [attr1, attr2]`` :Returns: ``name, shape, type, list of attributes``. if no shape is specified, it is set to ``None``, """ m = re_fieldname_match(fieldname.strip()) if not m: raise ValueError('Wrong field (%s). It must have at least one parameter name and one argument'%fieldname) ftype, name, shape, attrs = m.groups() attrs = attrs and attrs[1:-1] #if attrs: #attrs = [a.strip() for a in attrs[1:-1].split(',')] #else: #attrs = [] return name, shape, ftype, attrs
[docs] def transform(self, node): """Transform a single field list *node*.""" typemap = self.typemap fmodname = self.modname ftypename = self.typename entries = [] groupindices = {} types = {} shapes = {} attrs = {} # step 1: traverse all fields and collect field types and content for field in node: fieldname, fieldbody = field try: # split into field type and argument fieldtype, fieldarg = fieldname.astext().split(None, 1) except ValueError: # maybe an argument-less field type? fieldtype, fieldarg = fieldname.astext(), '' typedesc, is_typefield = typemap.get(fieldtype, (None, None)) # sort out unknown fields if typedesc is None :#or typedesc.has_arg != bool(fieldarg): # either the field name is unknown, or the argument doesn't # match the spec; capitalize field name and be done with it new_fieldname = fieldtype.capitalize() + ' ' + fieldarg fieldname[0] = nodes.Text(new_fieldname) entries.append(field) continue typename = # collect the content, trying not to keep unnecessary paragraphs if _is_single_paragraph(fieldbody): content = fieldbody.children[0].children else: content = fieldbody.children # if the field specifies a type, put it in the types collection if is_typefield: # filter out only inline nodes; others will result in invalid # markup being written out content = filter( lambda n: isinstance(n, nodes.Inline) or isinstance(n, nodes.Text), content) if content: eval(is_typefield).setdefault(typename, {})[fieldarg] = content continue # also support syntax like ``:param type name [attrs]:`` if typedesc.is_typed==2: argname, argshape, argtype, argattrs = self.scan_fieldarg(fieldarg) if argtype: types.setdefault(typename, {})[argname] = \ [nodes.Text(argtype)] if argshape: shapes.setdefault(typename, {})[argname] = \ [nodes.Text(argshape)] if argattrs: attrs.setdefault(typename, {})[argname] = \ [nodes.emphasis(argattrs,argattrs)] fieldarg = argname elif typedesc.is_typed: try: argtype, argname = fieldarg.split(None, 1) except ValueError: pass else: types.setdefault(typename, {})[argname] = \ [nodes.Text(argtype)] fieldarg = argname # grouped entries need to be collected in one entry, while others # get one entry per field if typedesc.is_grouped: if typename in groupindices: group = entries[groupindices[typename]] else: groupindices[typename] = len(entries) group = [typedesc, []] entries.append(group) group[1].append(typedesc.make_entry(fieldarg, content)) else: entries.append([typedesc, typedesc.make_entry(fieldarg, content)]) # step 2: all entries are collected, construct the new field list new_list = nodes.field_list() for entry in entries: if isinstance(entry, nodes.field): # pass-through old field new_list += entry else: fieldtype, content = entry fieldtypes = types.get(, {}) fieldshapes = shapes.get(, {}) fieldattrs = attrs.get(, {}) new_list += fieldtype.make_field(fieldtypes, self.domain, content, shapes=fieldshapes, attrs=fieldattrs, modname=fmodname, typename=ftypename) node.replace_self(new_list) # REs for Fortran signatures
f_sep = '/' f_sig_re = re.compile( r'''^ (\w+(?:[^%%%(f_sep)s]%(f_sep)s\w+))? \s* # type (\b(?:subroutine|function))? \s* # objtype (\b\w+%(f_sep)s)? # module name (\b\w+%%)? # type name (\b\w+) \s* # thing name (?: \((.*)\))? # optional: arguments $ # and nothing more '''%dict(f_sep=f_sep), re.VERBOSE+re.I) # Directives # RE to split at word boundaries wsplit_re = re.compile(r'(\W+)') f_type_re = re.compile('^([\w]+).*$') f_paramlist_re = re.compile(r'([\[\],])') # split at '[', ']' and ',' #def fortran_rsplit(fullname): # items = [item for item in f_separator.findall(fullname)] # return ''.join(items[:-2]), items[-1]
[docs]def _pseudo_parse_arglist(signode, arglist): """"Parse" a list of arguments separated by commas. Arguments can have "optional" annotations given by enclosing them in brackets. Currently, this will split at any comma, even if it's inside a string literal (e.g. default argument value). """ paramlist = addnodes.desc_parameterlist() stack = [paramlist] try: for argument in arglist.split(','): argument = argument.strip() ends_open = ends_close = 0 while argument.startswith('['): stack.append(addnodes.desc_optional()) stack[-2] += stack[-1] argument = argument[1:].strip() while argument.startswith(']'): stack.pop() argument = argument[1:].strip() while argument.endswith(']'): ends_close += 1 argument = argument[:-1].strip() while argument.endswith('['): ends_open += 1 argument = argument[:-1].strip() if argument: stack[-1] += addnodes.desc_parameter(argument, argument) while ends_open: stack.append(addnodes.desc_optional()) stack[-2] += stack[-1] ends_open -= 1 while ends_close: stack.pop() ends_close -= 1 if len(stack) != 1: raise IndexError except IndexError: # if there are too few or too many elements on the stack, just give up # and treat the whole argument list as one argument, discarding the # already partially populated paramlist node signode += addnodes.desc_parameterlist() signode[-1] += addnodes.desc_parameter(arglist, arglist) else: signode += paramlist
[docs]class FortranObject(ObjectDescription): """ Description of a general Fortran object. """ option_spec = { 'noindex': directives.flag, 'module': directives.unchanged, 'type': directives.unchanged, 'shape': parse_shape, 'attrs':directives.unchanged, } doc_field_types = [ FortranCompleteField('parameter', label=l_('Parameters'), names=('p', 'param', 'parameter', 'a', 'arg', 'argument'), #rolename='var', typerolename='type', typenames=('paramtype', 'type', 'ptype'), shapenames=('shape', 'pshape'), attrnames=('attrs', 'pattrs', 'attr'), can_collapse=True), FortranCompleteField('optional', label=l_('Options'), names=('o', 'optional', 'opt', 'keyword', 'option'), #rolename='var', typerolename='type', typenames=('optparamtype', 'otype'), shapenames=('oshape',), attrnames=('oattrs', 'oattr'), can_collapse=True), FortranCompleteField('typefield', label=l_('Type fields'), names=('f', 'field', 'typef', 'typefield'), #rolename='typef', typerolename='type', typenames=('fieldtype', 'ftype'), shapenames=('fshape',), attrnames=('fattrs', 'fattr'), prefix='% ', strong=False, can_collapse=False), FortranCompleteField('return', label=l_('Return'), names=('r', 'return', 'returns'), typerolename='type', typenames=('returntype', 'rtype'), shapenames=('rshape',), attrnames=('rattrs', 'rattr'), can_collapse=True), FortranCallField('calledfrom', label=l_('Called from'), names=('calledfrom', 'from')), FortranCallField('callto', label=l_('Call to'), names=('callto', 'to')), ] # These Fortran types aren't described anywhere, so don't try to create # a cross-reference to them stopwords = set(('float', 'integer', 'character', 'double', 'long')) _parens = '' # def _parse_type(self, node, ftype): # m = f_type_re.match(ftype) # tnode = nodes.Text(ftype, ftype) # modname = self.options.get( # 'module', self.env.temp_data.get('f:module')) # if m : # ftype = m.groups(0) # if ftype not in self.stopwords: # pnode = addnodes.pending_xref( # '', refdomain='f', reftype='type', reftarget=ftype, # modname=modname) # pnode += tnode # node += pnode # else: # node += tnode # else: # node += tnode
[docs] def get_signature_prefix(self, sig): """ May return a prefix to put before the object name in the signature. """ return ''
[docs] def needs_arglist(self): """ May return true if an empty argument list is to be generated even if the document contains none. """ return False
[docs] def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): """ Transform a Fortran signature into RST nodes. Returns (fully qualified name of the thing, classname if any). If inside a class, the current class name is handled intelligently: * it is stripped from the displayed name if present * it is added to the full name (return value) if not present """ m = f_sig_re.match(sig) if m is None: raise ValueError ftype, objtype, modname, typename, name, arglist = m.groups() if not typename: typename = "" # determine module, type, shape and attributes modname = (modname and modname[:-1]) or self.options.get( 'module', self.env.temp_data.get('f:module')) if typename: name = typename[:-1] attrs = self.options.get('attrs') shape = parse_shape(self.options.get('shape')) ftype = ftype or self.options.get('type') if self.objtype=='typefield' and not typename: raise ValueError #if typename: name = typename+'%'+name #fullname = name #if modname: if self.objtype=='program': fullname = name else: fullname = (modname or '_') + f_sep + name signode['module'] = modname signode['type'] = typename signode['fullname'] = fullname # Add "function" or "subroutine" tag sig_prefix = self.get_signature_prefix(sig) if objtype or sig_prefix: objtype = objtype or sig_prefix signode += addnodes.desc_annotation(objtype+' ', objtype+' ') # Add module if self.env.config.add_module_names and modname and self.objtype!='typefield': nodetext = modname + f_sep signode += addnodes.desc_addname(nodetext, nodetext) # Add name signode += addnodes.desc_name(name, name) # In the parenthesis if self.needs_arglist(): # call for functions and subroutines if arglist: # Calling arguments _pseudo_parse_arglist(signode, arglist) elif self.needs_arglist(): # for callables, add an empty parameter list signode += addnodes.desc_parameterlist() elif arglist and not shape: # Declare shape instead of arguments (variables) shape = arglist # Add remaining self.add_shape_and_attrs(signode, modname, ftype, shape, attrs) return fullname, ftype
[docs] def add_shape_and_attrs(self, signode, modname, ftype, shape, attrs): # add shape if shape: add_shape(signode, shape, modname=modname) #signode += nodes.Text(' '+shape) # add type ('float', 'interger', etc) if ftype or attrs: signode += nodes.emphasis(' [', ' [') if ftype: refnode = addnodes.pending_xref( '', refdomain='f', reftype='type', reftarget=ftype, modname=modname,) refnode += nodes.emphasis(ftype, ftype) signode += refnode #tnode = addnodes.desc_type(ftype, ftype) #tnode += #signode += addnodes.desc_type(ftype, ftype) #signode += # signode += addnodes.desc_type('', '') # self._parse_type(signode[-1], ftype) if attrs: if ftype: signode += nodes.emphasis(',',',') for iatt,att in enumerate(re.split('\s*,\s*', attrs)): if iatt: signode += nodes.emphasis(',',',') if att.startswith('parameter'): value = att.split('=')[1] signode += nodes.emphasis('parameter=', 'parameter=') convert_arithm(signode, value, modname=modname) else: signode += nodes.emphasis(att,att) #signode += nodes.emphasis(attrs, attrs) if ftype or attrs: signode += nodes.emphasis(']', ']')
[docs] def add_target_and_index(self, name, sig, signode): #modname = self.options.get( #'module', self.env.temp_data.get('f:module')) modname = signode.get( 'module', self.env.temp_data.get('f:module')) # fullname = (modname and modname + '/' or '') + name[0] fullname = 'f' + f_sep + name[0] # note target if fullname not in self.state.document.ids: signode['names'].append(fullname) signode['ids'].append(fullname) signode['first'] = (not self.names) self.state.document.note_explicit_target(signode) objects = self.env.domaindata['f']['objects'] if fullname in objects: self.env.warn( self.env.docname, 'duplicate object description of %s, ' % fullname + 'other instance in ' + self.env.doc2path(objects[fullname][0]), self.lineno) objects[fullname] = (self.env.docname, self.objtype) indextext = self.get_index_text(modname, fullname) if indextext: self.indexnode['entries'].append(('single', indextext, fullname, fullname))
[docs] def before_content(self): # needed for automatic qualification of fields (reset in subclasses) self.typename_set = False
[docs] def after_content(self): if self.typename_set: self.env.temp_data['f:type'] = None
[docs] def get_index_text(self, modname, name): add_modules = self.env.config.add_module_names if name.startswith('f'+f_sep): name = name[2:] mn = modname or '_' sobj = '' if name.startswith(mn+f_sep): name = name[len(mn)+1:] if self.objtype=='type': sobj = _('fortran type') if self.objtype=='typefield': sobj = _('fortran type field') elif self.objtype=='variable': sobj = _('fortran variable') elif self.objtype=='subroutine': sobj = _('fortran subroutine') elif self.objtype=='function': sobj = _('fortran function') elif self.objtype=='module': sobj = _('fortran module') modname = '' elif self.objtype=='program': sobj = _('fortran program') modname = '' sinmodule = (_(' in module %s')%modname) if modname and add_modules else '' return '%s%s (%s%s)'%(name, self._parens, sobj, sinmodule)
[docs]class FortranSpecial:
[docs] def get_signature_prefix(self, sig): """ May return a prefix to put before the object name in the signature. """ return self.objtype+' '
[docs]class WithFortranDocFieldTransformer:
[docs] def run(self): """Same as :meth:`sphinx.directives.ObjectDescription` but using :class:`FortranDocFieldTransformer`""" if ':' in self.domain, self.objtype =':', 1) else: self.domain, self.objtype = '', self.env = self.state.document.settings.env self.indexnode = addnodes.index(entries=[]) node = addnodes.desc() node.document = self.state.document node['domain'] = self.domain # 'desctype' is a backwards compatible attribute node['objtype'] = node['desctype'] = self.objtype node['noindex'] = noindex = ('noindex' in self.options) self.names = [] signatures = self.get_signatures() for i, sig in enumerate(signatures): # add a signature node for each signature in the current unit # and add a reference target for it signode = addnodes.desc_signature(sig, '') signode['first'] = False node.append(signode) try: # name can also be a tuple, e.g. (classname, objname); # this is strictly domain-specific (i.e. no assumptions may # be made in this base class) name = self.handle_signature(sig, signode) except ValueError: # signature parsing failed signode.clear() signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) continue # we don't want an index entry here if not isinstance(name[0], unicode): name = (unicode(name), name[1]) if not noindex and name not in self.names: # only add target and index entry if this is the first # description of the object with this name in this desc block self.names.append(name) self.add_target_and_index(name, sig, signode) modname = signode.get('module') typename = signode.get('type') contentnode = addnodes.desc_content() node.append(contentnode) if self.names: # needed for association of version{added,changed} directives self.env.temp_data['object'] = self.names[0] self.before_content() self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, contentnode) FortranDocFieldTransformer(self, modname=modname, typename=typename).transform_all(contentnode) self.env.temp_data['object'] = None self.after_content() return [self.indexnode, node]
[docs]class FortranType(FortranSpecial, WithFortranDocFieldTransformer, FortranObject):
[docs] def before_content(self): FortranObject.before_content(self) if self.names: self.env.temp_data['f:type'] = self.names[0][0].split(f_sep)[-1] self.typename_set = True
[docs]class FortranTypeField(FortranObject): #def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): #""" #Transform a Fortran signature into RST nodes. #Returns (fully qualified name of the thing, classname if any). #If inside a class, the current class name is handled intelligently: #* it is stripped from the displayed name if present #* it is added to the full name (return value) if not present #""" #m = f_sig_re.match(sig) #if m is None: #raise ValueError #ftype, objtype, modname, typename, name, arglist = m.groups() #print 'handle_signature', ftype, objtype, modname, typename, name, arglist #if not typename: typename = "" ## determine module and type #modname = (modname and modname[:-1]) or self.options.get( #'module', self.env.temp_data.get('f:module')) #typename = (typename and typename[:-1]) or self.options.get( #'type', self.env.temp_data.get('f:type')) ##print ' mod type', modname, typename ##print self.objtype #if self.objtype=='typefield' and not typename: #raise ValueError #if typename: name = typename+'%'+name #fullname = name #if modname: #fullname = modname + f_sep + name #signode['module'] = modname #signode['type'] = typename #signode['fullname'] = fullname ## Fill node #signode += addnodes.desc_name(name, name) #shape = self.options.get('shape') #if shape: signode += nodes.Text(shape, shape) #ftype = self.options.get('type', ftype) #attr= self.options.get('attr') #if ftype or attr: #signode += nodes.Text(' :: ', ' :: ') #if ftype: signode += nodes.emphasis('', ftype) #if attr: signode += nodes.literal('', '['+attr+']') #if self.content: #signode += nodes.Text(': ', ': ') #argnodes, msgs = self.state.inline_text(' '.join(self.content), self.lineno) #signode += argnodes #signode += msgs #return fullname, ftype
[docs] def before_content(self): FortranObject.before_content(self) lastname = self.names and self.names[-1][1] if lastname and not self.env.temp_data.get('f:type'): self.env.temp_data['f:type'] = lastname.split(f_sep)[-1] self.typename_set = True
[docs]class FortranProgram(FortranSpecial, WithFortranDocFieldTransformer, FortranObject): pass
[docs]class FortranWithSig(FortranSpecial, WithFortranDocFieldTransformer, FortranObject): """ Description of a function of subroutine """ _parens = '()'
[docs] def needs_arglist(self): return True
[docs] def get_signature_prefix(self, sig): """ May return a prefix to put before the object name in the signature. """ return self.objtype+' '
[docs]class FortranField(Directive): """ Directive to describe a change/addition/deprecation in a specific version. """ has_content = True required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec = { 'type': directives.unchanged, 'shape': parse_shape, 'attrs': directives.unchanged, }
[docs] def run(self): from docutils import nodes node = nodes.paragraph() node += addnodes.desc_name(self.arguments[0], self.arguments[0]) shape = self.options.get('shape') if shape : #node += nodes.Text(shape, shape) add_shape(node, shape) type = self.options.get('type') attrs= self.options.get('attrs') if type or attrs: node += nodes.Text(' :: ', ' :: ') if type: node += nodes.emphasis('', type) if attr: node += nodes.literal('', '['+attr+']') if self.content: node += nodes.Text(': ', ': ') argnodes, msgs = self.state.inline_text(' '.join(self.content), self.lineno) node += argnodes node += msgs ret = [node] # env = self.state.document.settings.env # env.note_versionchange(node['type'], node['version'], node, self.lineno) return ret
[docs]class FortranModule(Directive): """ Directive to mark description of a new module. """ has_content = False required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = False option_spec = { 'platform': lambda x: x, 'synopsis': lambda x: x, 'noindex': directives.flag, 'deprecated': directives.flag, }
[docs] def run(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env modname = self.arguments[0].strip() noindex = 'noindex' in self.options env.temp_data['f:module'] = modname env.domaindata['f']['modules'][modname] = \ (env.docname, self.options.get('synopsis', ''), self.options.get('platform', ''), 'deprecated' in self.options) env.domaindata['f']['objects']['f'+f_sep+modname] = (env.docname, 'module') #targetnode ='', '', ids=['module-' + modname], ismod=True) targetnode ='', '', ids=['f'+f_sep+modname], ismod=True) self.state.document.note_explicit_target(targetnode) ret = [targetnode] # XXX this behavior of the module directive is a mess... if 'platform' in self.options: platform = self.options['platform'] node = nodes.paragraph() node += nodes.emphasis('', _('Platforms: ')) node += nodes.Text(platform, platform) ret.append(node) # the synopsis isn't printed; in fact, it is only used in the # modindex currently if not noindex: indextext = _('%s (module)') % modname #inode = addnodes.index(entries=[('single', indextext, #'module-' + modname, modname)]) inode = addnodes.index(entries=[('single', indextext, 'f' + f_sep + modname, modname)]) ret.append(inode) return ret
[docs]class FortranCurrentModule(Directive): """ This directive is just to tell Sphinx that we're documenting stuff in module foo, but links to module foo won't lead here. """ has_content = False required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 1 final_argument_whitespace = False option_spec = {}
[docs] def run(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env modname = self.arguments and (self.arguments[0] or self.arguments[0].strip()) or None if modname: env.temp_data['f:module'] = None else: env.temp_data['f:module'] = modname return []
[docs]class FortranXRefRole(XRefRole):
[docs]class FortranModuleIndex(Index): """ Index subclass to provide the Fortran module index. """ name = 'modindex' localname = l_('Fortran Module Index') shortname = l_('fortran modules')
[docs] def generate(self, docnames=None): content = {} # list of prefixes to ignore ignores = self.domain.env.config['modindex_common_prefix'] ignores = sorted(ignores, key=len, reverse=True) # list of all modules, sorted by module name modules = sorted(['modules'].iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower()) # sort out collapsable modules prev_modname = '' num_toplevels = 0 for modname, (docname, synopsis, platforms, deprecated) in modules: if docnames and docname not in docnames: continue for ignore in ignores: if modname.startswith(ignore): modname = modname[len(ignore):] stripped = ignore break else: stripped = '' # we stripped the whole module name? if not modname: modname, stripped = stripped, '' entries = content.setdefault(modname[0].lower(), []) package = modname.split(f_sep)[0] if package != modname: # it's a submodule if prev_modname == package: # first submodule - make parent a group head entries[-1][1] = 1 elif not prev_modname.startswith(package): # submodule without parent in list, add dummy entry entries.append([stripped + package, 1, '', '', '', '', '']) subtype = 2 else: num_toplevels += 1 subtype = 0 qualifier = deprecated and _('Deprecated') or '' #entries.append([stripped + modname, subtype, docname, #'module-' + stripped + modname, platforms, #qualifier, synopsis]) entries.append([stripped + modname, subtype, docname, 'f' + f_sep + stripped + modname, platforms, qualifier, synopsis or '']) prev_modname = modname # apply heuristics when to collapse modindex at page load: # only collapse if number of toplevel modules is larger than # number of submodules collapse = len(modules) - num_toplevels < num_toplevels # sort by first letter content = sorted(content.iteritems()) return content, collapse
[docs]class FortranDomain(Domain): """Fortran language domain.""" name = 'f' label = 'Fortran' object_types = { 'program': ObjType(l_('program'), 'prog'), 'type': ObjType(l_('type'), 'type'), 'variable': ObjType(l_('variable'), 'var'), 'function': ObjType(l_('function'), 'func'), 'subroutine': ObjType(l_('subroutine'), 'func', 'subr'), 'module': ObjType(l_('module'), 'mod'), } directives = { 'program': FortranProgram, 'type': FortranType, 'variable': FortranObject, 'function': FortranWithSig, 'subroutine': FortranWithSig, 'module': FortranModule, 'currentmodule': FortranCurrentModule, } roles = { 'prog': FortranXRefRole(), 'type': FortranXRefRole(), 'var':FortranXRefRole(), 'func': FortranXRefRole(fix_parens=True), 'subr': FortranXRefRole(fix_parens=True), 'mod': FortranXRefRole(), } initial_data = { 'objects': {}, # fullname -> docname, objtype 'modules': {}, # modname -> docname, synopsis, platform, deprecated } indices = [ FortranModuleIndex, ]
[docs] def clear_doc(self, docname): for fullname, (fn, _) in['objects'].items(): if fn == docname: del['objects'][fullname] for modname, (fn, _, _, _) in['modules'].items(): if fn == docname: del['modules'][modname]
[docs] def find_obj(self, env, modname, name, role, searchorder=0): """ Find a Fortran object for "name", perhaps using the given module and/or typename. :Params: - **searchorder**, optional: Start using relative search """ # skip parens if name.endswith('()'): name = name[:-2] if not name: return None, None if f_sep in name: modname, name = name.split(f_sep) #modname = modname or '_' if '%' in name: name, tmp = name.split('%') objects =['objects'] newname = None matches = [] objtypes = self.objtypes_for_role(role) if searchorder == 1: # :role:`/toto` if role in ['mod', 'prog']: if 'f'+f_sep + name not in objects: # exact match return [] newname = 'f'+f_sep + name elif modname and 'f'+f_sep + modname + f_sep + name in objects and \ objects['f'+f_sep + modname + f_sep + name][1] in objtypes: newname = 'f'+f_sep + modname + f_sep + name elif 'f'+f_sep + '_' + f_sep + name in objects and \ objects['f'+f_sep + '_' + f_sep + name][1] in objtypes: newname = 'f'+f_sep + '_' + f_sep + name elif 'f'+f_sep + name in objects and \ objects['f'+f_sep + name][1] in objtypes: newname = 'f'+f_sep + name elif name in objects and \ objects[name][1] in objtypes: newname = name else: # :role:`toto` # NOTE: searching for exact match, object type is not considered if 'f'+f_sep + name in objects: newname = 'f'+f_sep + name elif role in ['mod', 'prog']: # only exact matches allowed for modules return [] elif 'f'+f_sep + '_' + f_sep + name in objects: newname = 'f' + f_sep + '_' + f_sep +name elif modname and 'f'+f_sep + modname + f_sep + name in objects: newname = 'f' + f_sep + modname + f_sep +name # Last chance: fuzzy search if newname is None: matches = [(oname, objects[oname]) for oname in objects if oname.endswith(f_sep+name) and objects[oname][1] in objtypes] else: matches.append((newname, objects[newname])) return matches
[docs] def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, type, target, node, contnode): modname = node.get('f:module', node.get('modname')) typename = node.get('f:type', node.get('typename')) searchorder = node.hasattr('refspecific') and 1 or 0 matches = self.find_obj(env, modname, target, type, searchorder) if not matches: return None elif len(matches) > 1: env.warn(fromdocname, 'more than one target found for cross-reference ' '%r: %s' % (target, ', '.join(match[0] for match in matches)), node.line) name, obj = matches[0] if obj[1] == 'module': # get additional info for modules docname, synopsis, platform, deprecated =['modules'][name[1+len(f_sep):]] assert docname == obj[0] title = name if synopsis: title += ': ' + synopsis if deprecated: title += _(' (deprecated)') #return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, docname, #'module-' + name, contnode, title) return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, docname, name, contnode, title) else: return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, obj[0], name, contnode, name)
[docs] def get_objects(self): for modname, info in['modules'].iteritems(): yield (modname, modname, 'module', info[0], 'module-' + modname, 0) for refname, (docname, type) in['objects'].iteritems(): yield (refname, refname, type, docname, refname, 1)
[docs]def setup(app): app.add_domain(FortranDomain)